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The Curandero Tradition amongst other things

August 23, 2011

Had a lovely week end with visitors from Granada including a visit to the curandero who lives in the hermita above Frailes. There is a long standing tradition of curanderos (healers) in this area–in fact it is called La Ruta de Milagros or route of miracles. The place in question is truly amazing–long high views of range after range of mountains stretching to the sea. At the top there is a small cave which was used by Santo Custodio for his meditations. He is an unrecognised by the church but local saint and guardian who lived and devoted himself to healing and devotion–all both within the church and yet not–the church eventually brought him under their auspices by building a church on the spot–but he is still a saint of the people by the people for the people. The Spanish have an understandable ambivalent attitude to the Church–they are a decidedly Catholic nation and yet the more socialist folk (particularly rural) do not trust the clergy–hence the space for their own curanderos.

It’s been HOT! Although the temperature has dropped as of yesterday–from sufficient to bake a loaf of bread to bearable–it wont be long before my neighbours are all in their winter clothes while I’m still in the pool.

BIG NEWS__Mojo my hero ninja kitten caught his first mouse! Only 4 months old and already making himself useful! It looks like all his training has born fruit.

portal to the sky

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